Thursday, March 31, 2011

during coup de soleil

some captures during the photoshoot for retailtherapy march'11 lookbook. it was a perfect 12 sunshine that day so we got our skins and crowns burned. that explains why we name "coup de soleil" after the lookbook.

foto-foto ini sengaja dibuat hitamputih supaya tidak terlalu menonjolkan kehangatan yg berlebihan saat itu :D

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


last Februari, we were doing photoshoot for one class of smu8 Jakarta yearbook 2011 at Poste, Kuningan.

the theme of this class's yearbook accordance with the location.
cannot upload the full version (14 pages) before the yearbook finish, so here I only upload the front page.
gonna upload rest of'em immediately after the book is finished.
all layout and pictures taken by allmountcreative (me,aip,fikar,diondy)