Wednesday, November 23, 2011


dalam rangka memperkenalkan nama akte

Friday, November 11, 2011

.wow men women. whiskersdenim

In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power.
Then when you get the power, then you get the wow men.
mispronounced from tony montana - scarface quotes

In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power.
Then when you get the power, then you get the women.
tony montana - scarface quotes

pictures taken by arifrahmansaleh . touched by boqir . font used arial
presented for whiskers denim

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

cattleya birthday

hello dick indah. didnt came home on your birthday,ha?
sure its a bit late to say happy birthday :p , but never too late to spend a moment sitting and praying. wishing the best for things you wish for.
smoga bisa tumbuh menjadi wanita dewasa yang cerdas dan berguna, serta tak berbau kaki.

i love you.
have a great you.

ps: sodarasodari, yg namanya dick indah itu seorang gadis kecil tersenyum manis agak dungu di sebelah kanan. klo pria setengah baya yg sebelah kiri itu dick aja. dick head.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


photoshoot for a class of smu8 Jakarta yearbook 2011 at Poste, Kuningan.
the theme of this class's yearbook accordance with the location.
already uploaded a picture above before.
couldn't upload this full version at that time,
i was waiting for the yearbook to be finished.
now it's done. so here it is, the rest of'em.
all layout made and pictures taken by allmountcreative (me,aip,fikar,diondy)


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

missed flight and Joy

30 April 2011, 2.30 pm waktu Malaysia, kami tiba di bandara. berjalan agak cepat setelah turun dari bus yang mengantar kami dari stesen Salak Tinggi menuju lcct. dengan expresi datar yang biasa-biasa saja tak ada sesuatu yg seru, kami menghadap petugas untuk check-in penerbangan kami pukul 2.55pm. kemudian si tante india-melayu tersebut berkata "sudah tak bise, sangat terlambat". dang! kata-kata tersebut terus terngiang-ngiang di kepala saya, me-replace dentam-dentum beberapa belas lagu yg dibawakan Maroon5 malam sebelumnya. expresi dingin tanpa toleransi si tante india-melayu tersebut pun menghapus bayangan setting panggung world tour Adam Levine dkk yg kami nikmati semalam.

berputar-putar santai sambil berpikir apa yg sedang terjadi dan harus bagaimana selanjutnya, saya mencoba menghubungi seorang teman yg tinggal di negeri tersebut. tanyakan alamatnya, catat di jurnal saya sebelum 2-3 detik kemudian hp saya mati krn lowbat. lalu kemudian kami be
rangkat menuju alamat tersebut, distrik cyberjaya. singgahlah kami disana selama beberapa hari hingga dapat tiket yang harganya terjangkau oleh sisa uang kami.

dan kami bersyukur krn terlambat check-in.
"mudah-mudahan orang bisa related dgn keadaan ini, dimana terkadang perjalanan tanpa arah bisa membawa kita ke sebuah tujuan yang menarik," kata Tim, vokalis Roman Foot Soldiers, tertera dalam Nylon Indonesia edisi April 2011 yang saya baca pagi hari sebelumnya. enjoy what we did 2 days back there after missed our flight.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

during coup de soleil

some captures during the photoshoot for retailtherapy march'11 lookbook. it was a perfect 12 sunshine that day so we got our skins and crowns burned. that explains why we name "coup de soleil" after the lookbook.

foto-foto ini sengaja dibuat hitamputih supaya tidak terlalu menonjolkan kehangatan yg berlebihan saat itu :D

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


last Februari, we were doing photoshoot for one class of smu8 Jakarta yearbook 2011 at Poste, Kuningan.

the theme of this class's yearbook accordance with the location.
cannot upload the full version (14 pages) before the yearbook finish, so here I only upload the front page.
gonna upload rest of'em immediately after the book is finished.
all layout and pictures taken by allmountcreative (me,aip,fikar,diondy)