it was a great warm Friday at kedai cafe, kemang. i accompanied my girlfriend. she got to do some work there, a photo session for cosmopolitan beauty spread. the cafe is quite homey with a unique and simple interior design. furnitures and lamps are created by unusual material. they use bakul (some kind of basket or pan for rice) for lamps, a karambol board for tables, and so many unusual materials created into creative stuffs mixed with colorful wall and window sills so does the cafe looks so great. the mellow and relaxing strains of selected play-lists, dominated by Indie folk offerings and alternative rock classics, also support the homey environment.
here's some stuffs that i took at the moment. the red sofa under a giant window is my favorite spot.

i also took some shot during the photo session. the people you'll see here are they are who contributed to this photo shoot. please meet Sugai san and his assistant Pri from Shunji Matsuo Indonesia as hairstylist, mba Wati as make up artist, Arinda from Cosmopolitan as stylist, Olga from Twentyone Milimeters agency as a model, and photographer, i don't know his name, and his assistant.